12-16oz Aluminum Can Crusher

12-16oz Aluminum Can Crusher

No Insurance, No Car

In the past, the penalties in this country for driving without guarnatee have been quite modest, with a fine of just £173 on average. But as the whole of uninsured drivers increased, the police are clamping down.

And they're not doing it by halves. If the police have any think to think you may not have insurance, they can call a master hotline to check your details. There are also some roadside cameras with whole plate-recognition abilities that send your registration whole right to a database which automatically alerts traffic police in the vicinity to an uninsured driver.

Can Crusher

If you're pulled up for any think and found to be driving without car guarnatee you could face a £200 fine and 6 penalty points. It's approximately certain that your car will also be impounded, and unless you pay the publish fees and penalty charges - usually totalling nearby £300 to £400 - and produce a valid cover note from your new insurer, your car could face resale or even the crusher.

No Insurance, No Car

There are hidden pitfalls too. If you find yourself having to get guarnatee speedily or face losing your car, you may not have time to search the shop for cheap car insurance, and could end up paying more than is vital on your premium. Much better to browse at your relaxation and find a good deal.

The good news is that the fewer drivers there are without insurance, the lower the premiums could go for the honest drivers. The Motor Insurers Bureau has to pay out for any claims made against an uninsured driver, and this results in higher premiums to the rest of us. Plus, it's been found that those who drive without motor guarnatee are often lacking a valid Mot and car tax too, so the new regulations have added benefits in taking potentially unsafe cars off the roads.

No Insurance, No Car

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