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The health Benefits of Garlic

The health Benefits of Garlic

When you are cooking dishes, an ingredient you probably need the most is garlic. A little garlic can give much yummy taste to both simple and complicated dishes. Moving it everyday, do you know how much benefits it can give to you?

Vampires are even afraid of garlic! Just a joke, they may be afraid of those benefits, and also the facts how it can kill them just like destroying pests. Garlic is cultivated in Asia, but sold worldwide. To mix it with your cooking, peel it first by slicing off the hard end and break the skin by crushing it with the back of a spoon. Then, you can briskly roll the clove between your hands to remove the peel.

For so long, garlic has been used for medical purposes. It has a long prestige in folk medicine and mythology for its health giving properties. Its antibiotic properties have been confirmed by contemporary science. If you want to get its benefits but you hate the smell, you can buy garlic supplements, tablets, and capsules. Or if you plan to use it in your dishes, buy the fresh and raw ones to get maximum benefits.

Here are several benefits of garlic you should know:
o It can cure sore throat, high blood pressure, tasteless cold, high cholesterol, ear infections in children, low resistance to infection, fungal or yeast infections, and chronic or recurrent infections. Do not give your children raw garlic because it is very strong.
o It can administrate high cholesterol levels.
o It is a natural antibiotic and antiviral agent. This antibiotic helps you safe your body against damaging free radicals.
o Raw garlic is often used to treat symptoms of acne.
o It is sufficient as a natural mosquito repellent since it has sharp smell. No wonder how vampires get frightened of it!
o It is used in a study held in China to Aids patients to treat cryptosporidium. It can treat toxoplasmosis and other protozoal diseases.
o It is used as a medicine for intestinal worms and other intestinal parasites.

Can you imagine how wholesome you will be if you put some pieces of garlic bulbs regularly? You will get both yummy dishes and wholesome body.

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